Grants & Awards
Application Forms
The Northern Community Health and Research Foundation has been an active supporter of research and health initiatives to impact the lives of Northern Communities in South Australia.
2026 Visiting Professorship
Nominations for the 2026 Northern Community Health & Research Foundation Visiting Professorship are now open. Through this program, the Foundation provides up to $15,000 for travel and accommodation for a peer-nominated leading researcher to visit Adelaide to participate in a program of events including undergraduate teaching, primary care programs and meeting with health professionals and researchers.
You are invited to nominate an internationally eminent researcher or clinician to visit Adelaide in 2026, (preferably during September/October 2026). Nominations close 28th April 2025.
This prize has been established by the Northern Communities Health Foundation (NCHF) in recognition of the outstanding contribution Emeritus Professor Derek Frewin has given to both the NCHF and the University of Adelaide. This year the NCHF Derek Frewin Early Career Researcher Award will be presented to those working in the field of Neurology or relevant related areas.
Completed application forms and supporting documents should be forwarded electronically, in one pdf file, to fhsres@adelaide.edu.au by COB on Friday 24th July 2020.
2025 Derek Frewin Early Career Researcher Award
The Derek Frewin Early Career Researcher Award was established by the The Northern Community Health and Research Foundation in recognition of the outstanding contribution Emeritus Professor Derek Frewin has given to both the NCH Research Foundation and the University of Adelaide.
The value of the prize is $5,000.
The Board will give consideration to research rigor and also to the relevance of the research for the general public and for health care professionals in the northern communities of Adelaide.
The NCH Research Foundation welcomes applications for small research projects and community engagement activities particularly over one or two-year periods. Projects that are likely to lead to further funding opportunities or some sustainability are likely to be viewed positively.
For more information, contact the Foundation at chair@nchrf.com.au or the University of Adelaide Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Research Development team via josie.gray@adelaide.edu.au.
Applications for the 2025 Award close on April 28th 2025. ​